Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) Services by IKM Technosys

Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) is a comprehensive security practice that IKM Technosys employs to evaluate and fortify the resilience of your organization's infrastructure against potential cyber threats. Our team of experts systematically assesses and tests your network, systems, and applications, identifying vulnerabilities and providing actionable insights to enhance your overall security posture.


Why Infrastructure VAPT is Essential:

  • Identifying Weaknesses: VAPT helps identify vulnerabilities in your infrastructure, including networks, servers, and critical applications.

    Risk Mitigation: By uncovering vulnerabilities, we enable you to proactively address and mitigate potential security risks, reducing the likelihood of exploitation.

    Regulatory Compliance: : Many industries require regular security assessments to meet regulatory compliance standards. Infrastructure VAPT ensures that your organization aligns with these requirements.

    Protecting Sensitive Data: With the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, safeguarding sensitive data is paramount. Infrastructure VAPT helps secure your digital assets and sensitive information

    Enhancing Cyber Resilience: Regular assessments and testing contribute to building a resilient infrastructure capable of withstanding and recovering from cyber-attacks

  • Key Components of Infrastructure VAPT:

  • External Infrastructure Assessment:

    Identifying vulnerabilities in externally facing assets.
    Assessing risks associated with public-facing services, websites, and applications.

    Internal Infrastructure Assessment:

    Evaluating the security of internal networks, servers, and applications
    Identifying vulnerabilities that may be exploited by internal threats.

    Network Security Assessment:

    Analysing network configurations, firewalls, and intrusion detection/prevention systems.
    Ensuring a robust defense against unauthorized access and malicious activities.

    External Infrastructure Assessment:

    Identifying vulnerabilities in externally facing assets.
    Assessing risks associated with public-facing services, websites, and applications.

  • IKM Technosys Infrastructure VAPT Approach:

    Our approach to Infrastructure VAPT is systematic and thorough, comprising the following steps:

    I. Scoping and Planning:
    Define the scope of the assessment, including assets and systems to be tested.
    Develop a detailed plan outlining the testing methodology and objectives.
    II. Vulnerability Scanning:
    Conduct automated scans to identify known vulnerabilities in the infrastructure.
    III. Manual Testing and Exploitation:
    Employ manual testing techniques to uncover vulnerabilities that automated tools may miss.
    Simulate real-world attacks to assess the actual risk posed by vulnerabilities.
    IV. Analysis and Reporting:
    Document and analyze findings, including vulnerabilities, their severity, and potential impact.
    Provide a detailed report with actionable recommendations for remediation.

    Benefits of Infrastructure VAPT with IKM Technosys:
    Proactive Security: Address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors.
    Comprehensive Risk Assessment: Identify and prioritize vulnerabilities based on their potential impact.
    Regulatory Compliance: Align with industry-specific compliance standards through regular security assessments.
    Enhanced Incident Response: Better prepare for and respond to security incidents with a fortified infrastructure.